Sunday, January 17, 2010


1. You know every song by heart (even those on Nick's unrecorded album and Nick's solo album, Nicholas Jonas)
2. You love every Jonas brother the same, even Frankie
3. You know their full names, their nicknames, and their undercover names
4. When you daydream, you don't go to the infamous "La La Land"; you go to Jonas Land
5. You own way more than one Jonas poster and display them proudly on your wall
6. You say "Awkward!" and other random Jonas Brothers quotes at random times
7. You buy the same or similar clothes and accessories that the Jonas Brothers have worn before
8. The most random things remind you of the Jonas Brothers (ex: water bottles)
9. You are constantly leaving comments on their MySpace and YouTube accounts
10. You bug your local radio stations to play their songs, and if they don't, you keep calling
11. You spend every minute of your free time looking for Jonas Brothers pictures, news, and videos
12. If anyone says they don't like the Jonas Brothers, you get mad and defend them
13. If life hands you lemons, you throw them back and scream "I want the Jonas Brothers!"
14. Your family knows that you are a fan and knows everything about them because of you
15. You have been to a Jonas Brothers concert or watched all of them on YouTube
16. You know where the Jonas Brothers are at all times
17. Your MP3 player or iPod is filled with Jonas Brothers songs
18. Your ringtone is a Jonas Brothers song
19. If the Jonas Brothers say they like a song, you like it too
20. You celebrate the Jonas Brothers birthdays
21. You know everything about the Jonas Brothers
22. You own all of the Jonas Brothers CD's
23. You have watched all of their YouTube videos including the Nick Jonas show
24. The Jonas Brothers are on the top of your Christmas list
25. You used to say "OMG". Now you say "OMJ" (Oh My Jonas!)
26. If one of the Jonas Brothers said breathing wasn't cool, you'd be dead.
27. You've been accused more than once of being too obsessed with the Jonas Brothers.
28. You always have a Jonas Brothers song stuck in your head
29. You would do anything to go to a Jonas Brothers concert if it was remotely close to you
30.You dream about them almost every night.
31. You love them so much, you would marry one of them or all three if possible.
32 You carry a Jonas Brothers backpack with you to school each day, filled with nothing but Jonas Brothers magazines.
33. You think and talk about them 24/7 or 25/8
34. You'd do anything to spend a day with them
35. You're jelaous of every girl who has ever hugged them
36. You have once or more, talked to your poster of them, pretending they could hear you
37. You cry when Nick's playing and singing A Little Bit Longer
38. You quote them
39. You own their self written book, 'Burning Up' and you read in it every night
40. You know everything about diabetes due to the fact that Nick has it